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Wendoo School Breakfast Empowerment Initiative

No child Should go hungry in an environment that is designed to nurture their young minds.

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About us

Who we are

Wendoo School Breakfast Empowerment Initiative is a Non- Governmental Organisation (NGO) registered in Nigeria in 2022. Wendoo (which translates to ‘THE CHILDREN’) is the brain child of Company Chairman, Mrs Maureen Bond, A public relations Guru based in England.

We understand that hunger is a major problem in many rural areas around the world, and children are often the most vulnerable. Without proper nutrition, children can suffer from stunted growth, developmental delays, and other health issues that can have lifelong consequences.

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The Process

Our Pilot Program

We have selected a primary school in the rural village of Idumuje Ugboko in Delta State, Nigeria, to carry out our pilot programme to help determine what works and the direction we will be taking in delivering the project across the country.

Initial Concept Phase

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Helping lay the 
foundations for a more prosperous future for 
millions of school children.

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In a world of plenty, where enough food is produced to feed everyone on the planet, hunger should be a thing of the past. However, conflict, climate change, disasters, inequality and – most recently – the COVID-19 pandemic mean one in nine people globally Still go to bed hungry and famine looms for millions 

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How We Work

Wendoo School Breakfast initiative’s work helps communities to build resilience, adapt to a changing climate, promote good nutrition and improve food systems in helping lay the foundations in schools for a more prosperous future for millions of school children.

We are promoting good nutrition, and laying the foundations for healthy eating and exercise habits. Teaching school children table manners, dining etiquette before each meal – hands washed, face washed, use of cutlery, praying before and after each meal. To show respect to teachers and workers.

We are impacting and Teaching them the habits for a more prosperous future for millions of African children.

Our work also provides employment and contributes to increased
incomes for smallholder farmers and boosting local economies.

How we work

Malnutrition prevents people and communities from developing their full potential and threatens their 

Our nearly 8,000 committed staff members are ready to help.

No child goes hungry

School Breakfast Initiative is an NGO conceived out of a dire need that is facing a very large swathe of African children across the continent. We are determined to ensure that no child goes hungry in an environment that is designed to nurture their young minds. This can only be realistically achieved if they are physically nourished at the same time. With full stomachs, they can concentrate better and get the full benefit of their learning.

Our Achievements


Children fed


children educated


Breakfast served


communities helped

Our Partners

We embrace the help and support from our partners in helping us achieve our goals

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Being a first-choice employer within our sectors. Our process applies techniques from a variety of disciplines.

Our nearly 8,000 committed staff members are ready to help.

Free Consultation

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Injuries or Vehicle Damages

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Annual Bonus and Extras

Free Consultation

Private Health Insurance.

Holistic development and support for employees the aim of being a first-choice

Injuries or Vehicle Damages

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Annual Bonus and Extras

Free Consultation

Private Health Insurance.

Holistic development and support for employees the aim of being a first-choice

Injuries or Vehicle Damages

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Annual Bonus and Extras

Free Consultation

Private Health Insurance.

Holistic development and support for employees the aim of being a first-choice

Injuries or Vehicle Damages

Protected Policy

Annual Bonus and Extras

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We embrace holistic development and support for employees the aim of being a first-choice employer within our sectors. Our process applies techniques


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